LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Robert White resigns, Mayor Fischer outlines plan for replacement


Candidate to be Denver's first black police chief

9Wants to Know has learned he's well-respected and well-liked across the board and in the community. He is known as tough but fair. As chief, he's fired 28 officers and disciplined 755 other officers. We've learned he's also willing to give an officer a second chance if they make a mistake.

White's starting salary will be $167.607 a year. Hancock says he was very impressed by White's professional and personal demeanor. He says he sent a "secret shopper," a mayoral staff member, to Louisville, to learn more about white.


Robert White has resigned, effective immediately, to take the same job in Denver, Colorado.

Mayor Greg Fischer held a press conference today at 3:30 to make the announcement.

Fischer stated he has already begun the process of identifying potential new chiefs from both within and outside the police department. He said he would be seeking input from citizens, police and national experts.

Asked if he saw this as an opportunity improve morale on the department, Mayor Fischer stated "There is always an opportunity for that to happen". Deputy Mayor William Summers expanded on the Mayor's comment stating that it was well known that Robert White was a "policeman's policeman".

White said the decision to leave Louisville was difficult but that he felt that he has achieved all he could in Louisville and he looks forward to new challenges in Denver.

Denver Mayor Michael Hancock, acting on a campaign pledge to replace current Denver Police Chief Gerry Whitman, began a national search shortly after taking office. The selection of Robert White will be the first time that a Denver police chief has been hired from outside the department.

"It does surprise me, but I'm sure they did a thorough search for the best qualified person to run the Denver Police Department," said Det. Nick Rogers, president of the Denver Police Protective Association. "I look forward to learning everything I can about him and meeting him and trying to make this police department a better place for the citizens."