I usually don't take the editorials in our Courier-Journal too seriously. On Thursday May 21st it is my opinion that once again they have gone way too far in their portrayal of our Officers.
The C-J editorialist, who remains unknown, because they don't even have the gonads to put their name on their work, has accused the police of being a bunch of whining babies. She/he has accused the police of not playing ball and helping out in the crisis.
Here is my response to the issue. Jerry Abramson didn't ask for our help. He didn't ask for ideas. He screwed up Louisville's economy and then demanded that we and every other Metro Employee bail him out.
He gave us a couple of options, all of which were unacceptable to our members. He then imposed an illegal tax on us. We worked long and hard to get where we are at and we have a contract that is very clear on the matter.
They created a little catch phrase,? Take home cars are a privilege not a right.? They used that mantra as their defense. They never failed to realize that they made these cars part of the contract even though they were not specifically named in the contract because they used it in advertising for the position.
Had he come to us in the spirit of negotiation, things might have turned out differently. He thinks he is above all that though. The editorialist from the Courier-Journal has conveniently forgotten that it was Jerry Abramson and his foolish spending and shady business dealings that have brought this city to the brink of economic disaster.
I understand that it is only human nature to want to defend your idols and their philosophies. To do so in such a rabid manner, well that is the liberal way. They do not let facts or reasoning sway them in their search for higher truth.
Liberalism is a shifty doctrine under which they accept the benefits of society without the willingness to pay for them. It is much easier by far to get someone else to pay for your blunders rather than make an admission of guilt.
Those that blindly worship at the altar of Jerry Abramson must realize that your hero is not above the law. We have rules, laws and yes contracts that must be followed. Once he signs a contract he must abide by it. Is that so difficult a concept for them to comprehend?
We have remained above board throughout this ordeal, unlike Jerry and the lemmings that surround him. The State Department of Labor took a long time investigating this issue and has come to the conclusion that he is wrong and should immediately cease and desist. The investigation is awaiting the signature of the Labor Secretary to make it final.
If Abramson had any shred of honor or integrity he would abide by the agreement now and quit wasting tax dollars on appeals.
I suppose that day will never come. I expect I will be paid the money he illegally took from me right after the firefighters receive the money that he was told to pay them.