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Home » Action » Target Practice » 3D Action Cop

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Adobe Flash Player is required to play 3D Action Cop.


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31652 plays
since Dec 4, 2006
Americas Army Assassination Simulator Camper Strike Counterstrike Lite Foxy Sniper Pirate Shootout SWAT 2 Tactical Sniper Sniper School Sniper Year 2 Tactical Assassin 2 XIAO
Apr 19, 2010
Hey You guys I found another giltch just hold down the space bar to never have to reload and have unlimited ammo - Austin T - The Glitch Master
Feb 24, 2010
This Is Fun! To Win Take No Hostages - Kill Them All! LOL
Nov 23, 2009
hold space for unlimited ammo
Oct 21, 2009
come on i got killed again
Jun 19, 2009
how did i get killed
Apr 24, 2009
Dis gme is makin me mad to
Apr 14, 2009
i cant c u now i cant hear u now ur not here now lalalalalalalalalala
Mar 10, 2009
your all ****ing losers get a life you homos try not to such so much ****
Dec 8, 2008
Oct 12, 2008
Luv It!
Sep 12, 2008
i love this game i can not get over playing ti but it may have too much violence ! p.s. i still play though
Sep 7, 2008
shucks that last part was hard after i fell asleep
Jul 7, 2008
Right then definently not recomended *yawn*
Jul 2, 2008
it was preatty cool but needs betta graphics and more action the guys there were #!@%* and stupid
Feb 20, 2008
this game needs a lil bit more action...but other than that its boring
Jan 25, 2007